Support a family in need today

Sometimes, help is needed immediately.
That's why through our family project, you can support single parents and their children in acute need. Often widowed, and without a support system, they struggle to provide for their children - and to care for them properly at the same time. In extremely vulnerable situations, mothers and their children suffer hunger for days and beg for food in the streets.

With a donation of 50€, you can provide a single mother and her three children with essential resources for an entire month! Through our Women Empowerment Project, we are working on long-term solutions for these women.

Your generous support will enable our local team to provide the following products for a family in acute need: Sugar, flour, cooking oil, beans, salt, charcoal for cooking and rice.

Your (monthly or one-time) donation creates a big impact for families in acute need - and puts a smile on the faces of the children!

Kind in Afrika freut sich über Spende für Familie

Your help makes the difference: Support a family in need now